One day, you slowly get out of bed, feeling like a flarped zombie. As you slowly exit the room, a loud "swoosh!" echoes in the room. As you further look through the room, you see absolutely nothing exceot the stuff in your room. Then, when you turn your back, suddenly you see a ginormous white square, ruled with blue lines, and on it is written a whole population of sinister looking equations.
Yeah, you guessed it.
Your exremely hated math notebook, with the dreaded math home work on it.
Oh, ewwww.......math (and written in pink to make it more disgusting)
Math is so flarpishly-flarpiculous.
Yeah, you guessed it.
Your exremely hated math notebook, with the dreaded math home work on it.
Oh, ewwww.......math (and written in pink to make it more disgusting)
Math is so flarpishly-flarpiculous.
heh heh heh.
Right now i'm doing my math homework whilst simultaneosly surfing the net. not a good combination.
and why in the world did i use the word 'whilst'????? i've never even heard someone say that...ever.
so yeah....
i'm bored.
"Math makes my mind wander"
Kalakadoo bought glow stick stuff.
i still need to make my poster for the 'the history of halloween and why we should not celebrate it by any means'
yeah... i have it all ready 'cept i need to print it out and all that.
and maybe make the font bigger.
stupid me. this probably looks like on of my blog posts, and not a comment.
i trail on and on and on, don't i?
I still don't understand how anyone can hate math that much.
I so agree. Math is torture, and a lot (not all) of it is stuff we won't need! And it's not interesting... :'(
guess what it says at the bottom of your blog where the smiley's are?
'find your true love today'
heh heh heh.
that's so funny, because that's like....
i'm not going to try to explian it. i think you (fn) know what i mean.
That;s an ad, foofoo.
Th big red button game at the bootom of my blog is confusing. foofoo, i know you have experience in being confused, can you help me get unconfused?? Maybe Da Confuser can do it, but I don't trust her. Who else has experience in being confused??
heh heh heh.
we don't hate math...just, to say it in a nice way, we dislike the math teacher (ain't that right FN?).
why don't we like the math teacher? well there are several facts to consider...
-he makes my name sound like an insult
-he wouldn't let us go to computer lab today,,,which was totally part of the schedule
-he thinks he's funny when he's not
-that picture of a monkey on the buthcer paper for science looks awfully like...
-there are actually hundreds of things i could say against him...but i don't feel like bringing them up and forcing the horror on you people.
Oh! remember what happened today, fn? he told me to put MY books away, but he didn't tell UR to put his books away...
BTW: the word verification thing says 'plopie', wonder what da confuser would say to that.
Actually,the math teacher was the parent teacher conference.
heh. i know he was 'nice'.
he didn't say anything to my mom about me being a super annoying brat or something.
not a single thing about me talking back and pointing out errors that he makes.
didn't say about that paper either that said his handwriting was illegible, the paper that UR read and made him raise his eyebrows and gasp. He said that the math teacher would kill me after reading the paper.
remember that paper i wrote after UR said the math teacher would kill me? it said: what diff. does it make to you if he kills me? i mean you hate me. and you'll probably have a big party with him (math teacher) and drink lotsa chocolate milk
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