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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Some stuff about people I know


-I used to be FN the world dictator, but for some reason, that doesn't work anymore, so I made this one.
-I have big eyes, according to a lot of people
-I often use the word blah, flarp, and shlopp
-i love pie
-i love pie
-i love pie
-and did I mention that i love pie?!
-i also love artchitecture
-i am interested in secret cults
-the people in my class are strange (including foofoo)
-I snore like a clogged sewer in Denver.
-I'm getting my first cell phone in decmber, and I soooooooooo wanted it to be an iphone, but unfortunately, its a gophone T_T
-People often get scared of my almost absolutely identical resemblance to my mom.
-I WANT WORLD DOMINATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111


-KN (my other brother) loves pepsi, just like how i love pie
-KN laughs when he hears the letter P, G, S, and F
-His eyes turn golden-grey in the full moon
-He hates his stroller.
-He also likes cookies.


-He's my brother, unfortunately. KN is okay, but not him.
-OA is a marshmallow head that lives under a cliff somewhee off the coast of Honduras.
-OA loves Nutella
-I found out a new way to torture him. (MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!)
-He thinks Sakura (from naruto) is a warthhog that eats icecream in Vancouver, while I think she's a klutz that tripped off her pet boa constrictor in Jordan.
-He's currently a Purple belt 1 in Karate.


-She is strange
-She hates math (well, not math, but she doesn't really like our math teacher.)
-Her glasses are crooked (but she's getting new ones in december)
-According to her, people "kinda" die.
-She also "sorta" saved her poem.
-In arabic class, she wanted to write "alaulaad" which means kids, but she wrote "alwululoo"


-She has contacts, and for some weird reason, she says that we're not allowed to wear colored ones.
-She looks like she wears mascara, eyeliner, and lipliner, but its really natural
-She wears interesting bracelets, but our homeroom/math/science teacher confiscated them.
-She has LOOOOOONNNG hair.

HM and SD

-HM is really good at running, soccer, and every kind of sport.
-SD controls the whole class, and she has really nice arabic handwriting, and she has the longest full name I've ever heard, seriously, its so scary when she writes it in arabic 'cuz its soooo long.

The Living Flarp

-Only I know what it is.


Anonymous said...

You take Arabic? *jealousy*

Fish Poke said...

Yeah. I used to take French.

insanewriter said...

heh there's nothing about the other people in our class. the annoying people.

you forgot to include that OA totally hates me....

why? i dunnoknow...
and what's so weird is that he's your brother...

Patsee: yeah...but i wonder how i managed to make it to level two (which i think is actually for third graders) i stink at arabic numbers. and now we're learning how to tell time in arabic...which is sorta torture for me...

But ******* * *** ** *** **** ** ******, and talk to FN (err fish poke)

Fish Poke said...

I'm not including the others.
They're weird.

Fish Poke said...

I'm a level two in arabic. I can tell my numbers but I get mixed up with for example, 13 and 31.

insanewriter said...

duh i know you're in level two. you sit right next to me during arabic class.

heh heh heh....i've already started the torture stuff on my blog. just you wait and see!

(and just for some extra torture on your own blog:UR's in level two in arabic, too)

Fish Poke said...

Torture..torture. Waut till you see what I do to OA at home, then you'll know the real meaning of torture.